What is it?
Our Member Assistance Program is a shining example of members helping members. It is a confidential, one-time financial assistance program for eligible members of the Center who are experiencing financial hardship.
Who is eligible?
Any member in good standing for at least one year who has a Giving Intention card on file for the current year is eligible to apply for support.
Who are some of our recipients?
The overwhelming service that this program provides to our community is invaluable to those who need it. We’ve assisted a member to travel to care for an elderly relative; we’ve assisted a member to continue alternative healing to allow a return to a more fulfilling life; we’ve assisted a member to start a new mortgage program to not lose their home; and we’ve assisted a member in leaving an abusive relationship to start a new chapter in life.
How do I apply?
Members must complete a MAP application form and return it to the Center.
Where do I get an application form?
It may be downloaded by clicking [ HERE ], or you may pick one up at the information table in the Social Hall.
How do I submit the application?
Once it is fully completed, the application form is returned to the Center by mail or in person at the reception desk. (An addressed envelope is included with the application form.)
How do I receive funding?
After returning the completed application form, call the confidential MAP line at (707) 527-3668, and leave a voicemail message with your name and phone number. Within a week a MAP team member will contact you to schedule a confidential interview to discuss your needs. Following this interview, the MAP team will meet to review your application and needs for possible funding. The team will make a decision regarding funding within 24 hours and you will be notified.
What else do I need to know about this process?
Under no circumstances will cash be disbursed. Funding is strictly limited to third party payees in the form of a check. You must provide payee contact information to receive funding. All applicants agree to meet with a MAP-affiliated practitioner free of charge (MAP funds pay for this session for you).
Do I have to repay the funding I receive?
During the interview, repayment options will be discussed which include repayment in the form of money and/or in service to the Center.
Can I contribute to the MAP fund?
Yes! Contributions are gratefully accepted. Merely write “MAP” on your check or cash envelope.