Legacy and Charitable Gifts

An Outright Gift of Securities or Real Estate

A gift to the Center in the form of securities (stocks or mutual funds) or real estate will not only avoid capital gain taxation, but may provide additional tax savings for you as well.

Donor Directed Charitable Funds

Some financial institutions have Donor Directed Charitable Funds, in which you donate cash or property to the fund, receiving an immediate tax deduction. You choose the investments and decide when funds are released to charities such as the Center.

Qualified Charitable Donations from your IRA

Retirees who have attained the age of 70½ and are required to take the yearly Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their IRA accounts, and take the standard deduction in calculating their income taxes, may find QCDs to be particularly useful. You can request a transfer from your IRA account directly to the charitable organization of your choice. While you would not receive a charitable deduction for this transfer, the amount of your transfer would not be included in your gross income or be subject to federal income tax. This transfer would count for the purposes of your required minimum distribution. Please consult with your tax advisor regarding the “Qualified Charitable Distribution” (QCD) from an IRA and find out if you can benefit from this tax provision.

Donations to a Designated Fund

If you want to make a designated donation to a specific fund or ministry at the Center such as our radio program, video ministry, music department, etc. please contact Linda Hann, Chief Operating Officer, at (707) 527-3593 or linda.hann@

Bequest in your Will or Trust

The Center can be named as a beneficiary in your will or trust in several ways: as a percentage of your estate, a specific dollar amount, real estate, artwork, specific stocks or securities, etc.

Beneficiary Designation

There are many investment vehicles and insurance products that have designated beneficiaries. Most of these products are designed to pay out the accumulated value of the policy or account to the designated beneficiaries. The Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa can be named as a beneficiary on all types of insurance products, such as term or whole life policies, tax deferred or immediate annuities, etc.

Retirement Plans (IRAs, 401Ks, 403Bs, TSAs, etc.)

All retirement plans fall under the category of “qualified plans.” There are some important rules that must be followeed pertaining to the distribution of money from these plans. In some cases, it may be advantageous to name a charity, such as our Center, as part or whole beneficiary, in that the charity is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization.

Legacy Fund

The Center has established a means by which it can receive gifts, both immediate and deferred, to help perpetuate the teaching and practice of Science of Mind in the Santa Rosa community. Because such bequests create future value for the recipient organization, they are often referred to as a legacy. Our Legacy Fund empowers those who love our Center to ensure future generations will benefit from the expansive consciousness that enriches our lives. If you wish to contribute to the Legacy Fund, please contact Linda Hann, Chief Operating Officer, at (707) 494-8094 or linda.hann@

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Federal ID 94-2239294. Please consult with your financial and/or tax advisor and legal counsel regarding tax benefits for charitable giving. We do not give tax advice.