Available to see clients.
Do you feel stuck? Are you confused about the direction you “should” go? You may be ready for some support in finding the next step in your life’s great adventure.
I have a deep belief that each person is a unique expression of Spirit and that there is a power for Good in the universe that each of us can use. As a licensed Prayer Practitioner (Spiritual Coach), let me assist you in finding the next step in your life’s journey. Do you want more Joy? Wholeness? Love? Balance? Clarity?
In my coaching sessions, I offer open-hearted listening with the intention to uncover the spiritual truth in any life condition. I can help you understand spiritual principles and offer spiritual practices you can use in your daily life. I can support you with prayer and counseling for these challenging times.
So, I invite you to contact me if it’s difficult seeing your own perfection, or if you are ready to turn your life into an amazing adventure. I promise to see you through the eyes and Mind of Spirit, and I vow to help you remember who you really are.
Fee structure:
$60 for hour sessions; discount for students and seniors.
(707) 953-3565