Available to see clients.
In working with clients, it is my intention to be a spiritual sounding board. I offer a listening ear with spiritual consciousness to encourage my clients to find the Divine Wisdom that is already present in them. I encourage them to trust their inner wisdom and let it guide them to a more satisfying expression of life.
I have been a practitioner at The Center for Spiritual Living since 2002 and a member since 1997. I have served in numerous capacities, including:
• Weekly Healing Circle
• Teaching and assisting in Science of Mind classes
• Youth Church Ministry
• Jail Ministry
• Project Sleep-Warm
• Supporting Science of Mind in the Ukraine
I absolutely LOVE serving in this community!
Brenda reminds me of the one truth about everything! Her prayers touch me, help me feel unity with God and bring me clarity about my situations! It helps me to shift my attention from limitation and need into realizing that all I need is already within me. When Brenda makes her treatment for me I really feel that Divine Presence is my nature, so wherever God is – I am. I realize that I am that place where love, abundance, harmony, good health, kindness, harmonious relationships and love start! Her prayer work always and perfect. —A.G., Ukraine
Fee Structure:
$65/hr. with discounts for SOM students.
(707) 280-9680