Vicki Dodson, RScP

Vicki was brought up in a military family that moved frequently. She had to change schools often—sometimes in the middle of the school year. Vicki says that these experiences as “the new kid” helped her to become more flexible and able to adapt to new situations and environments. Vicki says, “As an adult, I visited different churches in hopes of filling an emptiness I felt inside. It wasn’t until I started attending services and classes at the Center that I learned about spirituality and realized that I was not empty inside at all—that I had only to open to Spirit. I have been on a conscious spiritual journey ever since. I have been a Practitioner for over ten years, and I embrace serving my spiritual community through prayer and service.” Vicki attended Humboldt State University obtaining a bachelor’s degree in social services. She worked for the County of Sonoma for 26 years in the Victim Assistance Program and is now retired. Vicki lives close to her adult son and young granddaughter, whom she has cared for since she was a baby. She enjoys tending to an overflowing assortment of house plants, walking her dog, lunching with friends, thrift shopping, and taking excursions to the beach and snow country.

Email: vicki.dodson@